Ro's RP Pages

Since I have limited carrd slots left, and 55+ characters in total, I'm creating a master page for some of the ones I have left (that I am currently using) that don't have carrds. Each one has their own page here, with some basic info. Feel free to ask me to elaborate on any if needed.Small note since I have multiple viera chars here and not everyone knows this: Viera are considered to be "immature" or still technically adolescents (kits) until they reach early to mid 20's ish due to their extremely long lifespan and slower aging (300+ years potentially). So any of my vieras will refuse to flirt with or sleep with any other viera who is under 25 as that is creepy to them as they will see them as a child.This carrd page will continue to be a WIP for a while, so please bear with me as I slowly get more info. Currently just trying to get enough info here for these characters to be interactable at a glance.